Agenda – plenary and work sessions

Wednesday 5th June 2024

09:30 – 11:00 Plenary session

Chair’s welcome – Tanya Arkle, Head of the School Resource Management (SRM) Division, ESFA

In conversation with the Minister – A question-and-answer session with Baroness Barran MBE, Minister for the School system and Student Finance, facilitated by Tanya Arkle.

Is GAG Pooling the way forward? – IMP are the market leaders in Financial Planning software, now supporting over 40% of all MATs and 60+ of large MATs to deliver smarter MAT Finance, through the only MAT first budgeting, forecasting, reporting and ICFP solution. Earlier this year to support their customers have greater clarity around the direction of travel of MAT Financial management, IMP and CJK Associates launched their third sector insight report, with this year’s focus being GAG/Reserves Pooling and centralisation. These areas have been picking up momentum in recent years so this session will look at where the sector is right now and look forward at how trusts expect their approach to evolve (or not!) over the coming years.
Warren Porter, ex MAT CFO & Product Specialist, IMP Software

Emerging challenges and how the department can support you – An introductory panel and Q&A session with senior DfE officials exploring the current and future challenges faced by the sector.

  • Susan Dawson, Director for Commercial Sector and Commercial Operations, Department for Education
  • Tom Goldman, Director of Education Funding, Department for Education
  • Steve Rollet, Deputy Chief Executive of the Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
  • David Withey, Chief Executive, Education and Skills Funding Agency

The plenary session will end with Q&A, giving attendees the chance to ask questions and promote discussion on the issues which are of most importance to them.